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  • 【接駁車Shuttle Bus Notice】校本部至南投分部接駁車公告 Announcement for Shuttle Bus Service from the Main Campus to the Nantou Branch

【接駁車Shuttle Bus Notice】校本部至南投分部接駁車公告 Announcement for Shuttle Bus Service from the Main Campus to the Nantou Branch

刊登日期:2025 年 02 月 04 日
The Yie-Cherng Bus direct shuttle service between the Main Campus and the Nantou Branch will resume operation on February 17, 2025, for the 113-2 semester. Starting this semester, the shuttle schedule has been adjusted to one trip per direction: departing from the Main Campus at 8:10 AM and from the Nantou Branch at 4:30 PM.

總達客運時刻表: https://alldaybus.com/time/
總達客運路線圖: https://alldaybus.com/route/
手機即時動態APP:請搜尋 " iBus公路客運 "
總達客運服務電話:0800-779-777 / 04-22239666(台中站)
Shuttle Bus Service Announcement
We are pleased to announce the shuttle bus service between the main campus and the Nantou branch. The service is available to all faculty and student free of charge upon presenting a valid university ID.
1. Direct Shuttle Service ( Yie-Cherng Bus )
The direct shuttle service stops at three stations in the Taichung campus [1.Administration Building, 2.Entrance E1(Post Office Station), 3.Entrance E2 (Food & Agricultural Safety Building), 4.Guoguang-Zhongming S. Intersection (Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital) ] and four stations in the Nantou campus [1.Zhongxing New Village (Shengfu Rd.), 2.Zhongxue Rd. , 3. Academy of Circular Economy (Conscription Agency Station), 4.Shengxuntuan Station (National Academy of Civil Service) ].
  • Shuttle Bus Timetable
Please refer to the attached timetable or scan the QR code below for the shuttle bus
  1. Service ( All Day Bus )
By presenting your university ID, you can enjoy free rides on All Day Bus routes 6333, 6333C, 6333E, and 6333F at designated stops. The school will cover the bus fares.
  • Route 6333C: In the Taichung campus , there are three stops: 1. NCHU Post Office Station, 2. NCHU Station (Guoguang Rd.), 3. Guoguang-Zhongming S. Intersection Station (Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital). In the Nantou campus, there are five stops: 1.Zhongxing New Village Station (near General Building), 2.Guanghua 5th Rd. Station (near Dormitory), 3.Zhongxue Rd. Station (near Dormitory), 4.Conscription Agency Station (Academy of Circular Economy), 5.Shengxuntuan Station (National Academy of Civil Service).
  • Routes 6333, 6333E, 6333F: In the Taichung campus, there is one stop: Guoguang-Zhongming S. Intersection Station (Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital). In the Nantou campus, there are five stops : the same as Route 6333C.
  • All Day Bus Timetable and Service Information
Timetable : https://alldaybus.com/time/
Route Map: https://alldaybus.com/route/
Real-Time Mobile App: Please search and download " iBus公路客運”
Customer Service: 0800-779-777 / +886 4 2223 9666(Taichung Station)
                                                                                                                    事務組  敬啟
聯絡電話:柯毓洲 校內分機260轉30 
Business Engagement Division, General Affairs Office
Liaison: Mr.Ke; 04-22840260#30










