※行政大樓2F營繕組及總機機房 114年2月5日(三)上午8時~12時大掃除屆時暫停辦公服務通知※
刊登日期:2025 年 01 月 24 日暫停服務公告
Notice of Temporary Suspension of Office Services
Notice of Temporary Suspension of Office Services
日期 DATE |
2025/2/5 |
時間 TIME |
上午8時00分至中午12時00分 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. |
辦公室 Office |
營繕組及總機機房 Construction and Maintenance's Office and Telephone Switchboard Room. |
說明 Explanation |
行政大樓各辦公室大掃除訂於114年2月5日(三)上午8時至12時進行營繕組辦公室及總機機房環境清潔,屆時將暫停辦公服務,如有緊急報修事件,可透過【營繕報修申請系統】進行通報,俟打掃完成後,本組將盡速與您聯繫,敬請轉知所屬單位及人員知照,造成不便之處,敬請見諒。 The annual cleaning of the Construction and Maintenance's Office and Telephone Switchboard Room on the 2nd floor of the Administrative Building is scheduled for February 5, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During this time, office services in the mentioned areas will be temporarily suspended. Once the cleaning is completed, our team will promptly get in touch with you. Please inform your respective departments and personnel of this arrangement. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. |
連絡電話 Contact Us |
04-22840276-279 |
