※113年4月1日(一) 社管大樓更換高壓斷路器ACB停電施工通知※
Power Outage Notice
Power Outage Notice
日期 DATE |
2024/04/01 |
時間 TIME |
上午8時00分至中午12時00分 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. |
地點 PLACE |
社管大樓 Social Science and Management Building. |
說明 Explanation |
停電期間請各單位將空調及各項用電設備電源關閉(含電話總機),以防復電後無人在場,影響用電安全。如遇雨天或其他因性無法停電時,停電日期另行通知,造成不便之處敬請見諒。 Please inform all personnel and turn off relevant electrical equipment. For safety reasons, please do not start electrical or computer equipment or take elevator during the suspension of power supply. If there is rain or other unforeseeable circumstances preventing a power outage, the date for the power outage will be notified separately. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. |
單位 Office |
總務處營繕組 General Affairs Office Division of Construction and Maintenance |
連絡電話 Contact Us |
04-22840276-279 |