Payment Inquiry System
了解更多一、離職儲金(Termination pay contribution)
Prior to their resignation from the University or the expiry of their employment contract, foreign postgraduate research fellows are required to download and fill out a First Bank Severance Pay Account Closure Application and submit it to the Cashier Division to settle their severance payment.
Email: wenzon@nchu.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2284-0268
(Opening a Designated Direct Deposit Account–International Faculty Members)
1. 居留證及護照
2. 聘函
3. 印章
When reporting for work, International faculty members (including postdoctoral research fellows) are required to open an account with either Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. or Bank SinoPac and provide their account information to the Cashier Division. To open an account, please have the following documents ready:
1. Alien residence certificate or passport
2. Letter of appointment
3. Personal seal
Please provide the Cashier Division with your account information after opening the account.
Email: syshen@nchu.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2284-0630
(Opening a Designated Direct Deposit Account–International Students)
1. 居留證及護照
2. 入學通知單
3. 印章
During enrollment, international students are required to open an account with a local bank and register their account information via the Student Account Registration. To open an account, please have the following documents ready:
1. Alien residence certificate or passport
2. Admission letter
3. Personal seal
Email: syshen@nchu.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2284-0630
(Income Tax–Witholding Rate According to Income Type)
1. 各類所得扣繳稅率表
2. 薪資所得扣繳稅額表(依有無配偶及受扶養親屬人數計算每月應扣繳稅額)
3. 外僑所得稅率依所提供之最新居留證影本居留天數是否屆滿183天扣繳
4. 提供外僑在扣繳所得稅率、年度申報及離境時常見相關問題解答,詳情請洽承辦人
1. Income tax withholding rate chart based on income type
2. Income tax withholding rate chart according to monthly salary level (tax withholdings are calculated each month based on whether the beneficiary has a spouse and the number of dependents they support.)(Income tax withholding rate chart according to monthly salary level
(tax withholdings are calculated each month based on whether the beneficiary has a spouse and the number of dependents they support.)
3. The tax rate for Non-Resident Aliens is subject to withholding based on whether the latest copy of the residence permit provided indicates that the duration of residency has reached 183 days
4. Provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding withholding tax rates for Non-Resident Aliens, annual tax filings, and FAQs upon departure. For more details, please contact the designated personnel.
Email: petals312@nchu.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2284-0269
(Income Tax–Tax Withholding for Non-Resident Aliens)
1. 薪資所得扣繳作業程序 (Procedures for Income Tax Withholding)
2. 外僑稅務常見問題Q&A (Income Tax FAQs for Non-Resident Aliens)
Email: petals312@nchu.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2284-0269
六、各類所得查詢(Income Inquiries)
1. 出納查詢系統:帳號請以「職員編號」 登入,預設密碼為統一編號或身分證字號
2. 付款查詢系統:個人以「身分證字號」登入,密碼預設為身分證號,初次登入須先更改密碼後再以新的密碼查詢
1. Through the Cashier Inquiry System: Log in with your staff ID number and password. The default password is your national ID or unified identification number.
2. Through the Payment Inquiry System: Individuals may log in with their national ID and password. The default password is their national ID number, and first-time users are required to change their password before they can access the system.
Email: petals312@nchu.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2284-0269