Payment Inquiry System
了解更多日期 | 文件標題 | 說明 | 檔案下載 |
2025-01-01 |
01- 各類綜合所得扣繳稅率表|Income tax withholding rate chart based on income type |
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2025-01-01 |
02- 公立大專院校教師及助教薪資明細表|Payroll Statement for Public University Faculty and Teaching Assistants |
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2025-01-01 |
03- 現行公務人員給與簡明表|Summary of Current Civil Servants Remuneration |
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2025-01-01 |
04- 薪資所得扣繳稅額表(依有無配偶及受扶養親屬人數計算每月應扣繳稅額)|Income tax withholding rate chart according to monthly salary level (tax withholdings are calculated each month based on whether the beneficiary has a spouse and the number of dependents they support.)(Income tax with |
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2025-01-01 |
05- 繳費通知銷帳系統操作手冊|Payment Reconciliation System User Manual |
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