張先生 Mr. Chang組長 Division Chief

  • 電話

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  • 職務代理

    王小姐 Ms.Wang、沈小姐 Ms.Shen
1. 綜理出納組各項業務,出納業務之督導與管理。|Oversee all operations of the Cashier Division, including supervision and management of cashier-related affairs.
  • 2. 複核出納各項收支。|Review and verify all cash inflows and outflows.
  • 3. 支票之核章。|Approve and sign checks.
  • 4. 資金運用管理小組執行秘書。|Serve as the Executive Secretary of the Fund Management Committee.
  • 5. 上級長官臨時交辦事項之處理。|Handle ad hoc tasks assigned by senior officers.
  • 王小姐 Ms.Wang專員 Executive Officer

    1. 大學部、進修推廣部及研究所(含在職專班)等學雜(分)費業務。|Manage tuition and fees for undergraduate, continuing education, and graduate programs (including in-service programs).
  • 2. 學生宿費及冷氣卡(含寒、暑假)、語言及電腦實習費。|Oversee student dormitory fees, air conditioning card fees (including winter and summer breaks), and language and computer lab fees.
  • 3. 教育學分費。|Administer education credit fees.
  • 4. 隨班附讀及校際選課等收費業務。|Handle fees for auditing courses and inter-university course selection.
  • 5. 出納組網頁維護。|Maintain the Cashier Division's webpage.
  • 6. 個資及資訊安全業務。|Manage personal data protection and information security affairs.
  • 7. 學雜費系統業務。|Administer the tuition and fees system.
  • 8. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 沈小姐 Ms.Shen組員 Officer

    1. 全校員工(含契聘僱人員、計畫人員、專案教師)薪資、年終獎金、教職員工考績,教職員工不休假加班費、子女教育補助費、晉級、休假補助費、夜間工作補助費(含登所得稅)。|Process salaries, year-end bonuses, performance evaluations, overtime pay, child education allowances, promotions, leave allowances, and night shift allowances (including income tax reporting) for all university employees (including contract and project-based staff, and adjunct faculty).
  • 2. 各類鐘點費造冊及發放。|Prepare and distribute various hourly wage payments.
  • 3. 退撫基金繳費及核銷。|Process pension fund contributions and reimbursements.
  • 4. 教職員工宿舍造冊收費。|Handle dormitory fee collection for faculty and staff accommodations.
  • 5. 三節慰問金、月退休及撫慰金發放。|Distribute three major festival allowances, monthly retirement pensions, and condolence payments.
  • 6. 校務評鑑與各項會議記錄資料彙整。|Compile data for university evaluations and meeting records.
  • 7. 法院來函扣繳所得。|Process court-ordered wage garnishments.
  • 8. 二代健保付款資料彙整。|Prepare and consolidate second-generation NHI (National Health Insurance) payment records.
  • 9. 校醫薪資。|Handle payroll processing for campus physicians.
  • 10. 薪資系統業務。|Manage the payroll system.
  • 11. 生活學習生管理。|Supervise work-study student administration.
  • 12. 教職員工等各類貸款(房屋,小額,急難等貸款)。|Administer various faculty and staff loan programs (including housing loans, small loans, and emergency loans).
  • 13. 獎(助)學金、獎勵金、生活學習金、就學貸款等核發作業。|Process scholarships, grants, student financial aid, and student loans.
  • 14. 學生休退學退費、住宿各項退費、急難救助金發放。|Handle student withdrawal refunds, dormitory fee refunds, and emergency relief payments.
  • 15. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 陳小姐 Ms.Chen辦事員 Clerk

    1. 8878、8879、8882、88970專戶之非固定所得清冊核對登錄及影印單據歸戶。|Verify, register, and file non-fixed income records for special accounts (8878, 8879, 8882, 88970).
  • 2. 每日開繳款書並登錄電腦核算。|Issue daily payment slips and record transactions in the accounting system.
  • 3. 每月所有帳戶總所得及稅額彙整。|Compile monthly summaries of total account income and tax amounts.
  • 4. 年底執行所得人核對清單修正作業。|Perform year-end reconciliation and adjustments for payee lists.
  • 5. 年度各類所得扣免繳憑單申報及更正作業。|File and amend annual tax withholding and exemption statements.
  • 6. 退職所得核算登錄。|Calculate and record retirement income.
  • 7. 外僑申報、居留證登錄、撫養親屬表登錄。|Process foreign national tax reporting, residence permit registration, and dependent information.
  • 8. 所得稅系統業務。|Manage the income tax system.
  • 9. 財產管理。|Oversee asset management.
  • 10. 辦公室事務採購核銷。|Handle office procurement and expense reimbursements.
  • 11. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 徐小姐 Ms.Hsu行政辦事員 Administrative Clerk

    1. 協辦資金調度相關業務。|Assist with fund allocation and cash flow management.
  • 2. 協辦投資管理小組相關業務(含多元投資)。|Support investment management committee affairs (including diversified investments).
  • 3. 各帳戶由(9955-6)支出之管理。|Manage expenditures from designated accounts (9955-6).
  • 4. 9955帳戶收款、記帳、銷帳(差額解釋表)及現金結存月報表。|Handle receipt, bookkeeping, reconciliation (including discrepancy reports), and cash balance reporting for account 9955.
  • 5. 綜合外幣帳戶之記帳、銷帳管理。|Oversee bookkeeping and reconciliation of foreign currency accounts.
  • 6. 65552帳戶一銀定存帳戶之管理(差額解釋表)|Manage the first bank fixed deposit account (65552) and prepare discrepancy reports:
  •  (1)定期存款存取等收款(包括郵局及銀行定存等)。|Deposit and withdrawal transactions (including postal and bank fixed deposits).
  •  (2)各界捐贈獎助學金(生輔組)-定存與利息統計。|Scholarships and grants received from various donors (in collaboration with the Student Affairs Office) and interest statistics.
  • 7. 6月及12月初預估利息。|Estimate interest earnings for June and December.
  • 8. 公勞健保費、補充保費等收費。|Process NHI and supplementary insurance payments.
  • 9. 臨時交辦事項。Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 葉小姐 Ms.Yeh行政辦事員 Administrative Clerk

    1. 雜項收入、代收代付(收字)業務。|Oversee miscellaneous income and agency payments (receipt processing).
  • 2. 收繳場地租費、履約保證金、保固金及待收款(儀器使用)等業務。|Manage the collection of venue rental fees, performance bonds, security deposits, and outstanding payments (e.g., equipment usage fees).
  • 3. 汽機車停車費。|Administer parking fees for cars and motorcycles.
  • 4. 各項罰款收入、儀器賠償。|Process fines, penalties, and equipment compensation fees.
  • 5. 健身房門票等收入。|Manage gym ticket sales revenue.
  • 6. 推廣教育收入(推字)業務。|Handle revenue from continuing education programs.
  • 7. 校友中心捐款專戶管理。|Oversee the alumni center donation account.
  • 8. 應屆畢業生(學士、碩士、博士)學位服洗滌處理費。|Process gown cleaning fees for graduating students (bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees).
  • 9. 玉山銀行線上繳費系統帳款入帳業務。|Manage the reconciliation of payments received via E.SUN Bank's online payment system.
  • 10. 銷帳系統業務。|Administer the payment reconciliation system.
  • 11. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 黃小姐 Ms.Huang行政辦事員 Administrative Clerk

    1. 8877、8880、8882、88970非固定所得清冊核對登錄及影印單據歸戶、每月所得彙整及統計業務。|Verify, register, and file non-fixed income records for special accounts (8877, 8880, 8882, 88970), including monthly income consolidation and statistics.
  • 2. 協助年度業務所得查對-執行業務所得之資料核對及聯繫工作。|Assist with the annual verification of professional income, including data validation and liaison.
  • 3. EZ-come審核。|Review and process EZ-Come transactions.
  • 4. 學生成績單等各項工本費之收退費。|Handle collection and refunds for various processing fees, including student transcripts.
  • 5. 登記桌業務。|Manage registry desk operations.
  • 6. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 林小姐 Ms.Lin行政辦事員 Administrative Clerk

    • 電話

    • E-mail

    • 職務代理

      謝小姐 Ms.Xie、李小姐 Ms.Lee
    1. 專戶(8877-5)帳戶之管理。|Manage designated special account (8877-5).
  • 2. 暑修學分費退費。|Process summer session credit fee refunds.
  • 3. 退休人員健保費扣款作業。|Handle health insurance premium deductions for retirees.
  • 4. 二代健保付款資料彙整。|Consolidate and manage second-generation NHI payment records.
  • 5. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 李小姐 Ms.Lee行政辦事員 Administrative Clerk

    1. 教育部(8878-3)帳戶管理。|Manage the Ministry of Education account (8878-3).
  • 2. 協助帳戶印鑑變更作業。|Assist with account signature and stamp change procedures.
  • 3. 押標金(保固金)、押圖(說)費、有價證券等保管業務。|Handle custody of bid bonds, guarantee deposits, blueprint deposits, and securities.
  • 4. 艾富出納系統管理。|Manage the AIFU cashier system.
  • 5. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 謝小姐 Ms.Xie行政組員 Administrative Officer

    1. 農委會(8879-1)帳戶管理。|Manage the Council of Agriculture account (8879-1).
  • 2. 國科會(8880-5)帳戶管理。|Manage the Ministry of Science and Technology account (8880-5).
  • 3. 個人及公司戶帳號資料表登錄;校外人士資料庫維護。|Maintain and register individual and corporate account information; manage the external personnel database.
  • 4. 郵局劃撥招生專戶、第一商業銀行招生專戶等之帳務管理。|Oversee the accounting and reconciliation of postal giro admission accounts and First Commercial Bank admission accounts.
  • 5. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 蔡小姐 Ms.Tsai專任助理 Research Assistant

    1. 循環經濟研究學院專戶收支管理。|Manage income and expenditure for the Circular Economy Research Academy's special account.
  • 2. 建教合作收入之收據開立及入帳(建字)及收據月報表 。|Issue and record receipts for cooperative education program revenue ("Jian" category), including monthly receipt reports.
  • 3. 附設農林畜牧作業組織(8882-1)帳戶收支管理。|Manage income and expenses for the affiliated Agricultural, Forestry, and Livestock Operations account (8882-1).
  • 4. 臨時交辦事項。|Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned.
  • 工讀生Student Assistant

    • 電話

    1. 協助收、發公文及管理。|Assist with the receipt, dispatch, and management of official documents.
  • 2. 各帳戶支票送主計室及秘書室用印。|Deliver checks for stamping at the Office of Accounting and the Secretariat.
  • 3. 撥款明細單、薪水單等分類整理。|Organize and categorize disbursement details, payroll slips, and related documents.
  • 4. 出納組辦公室清潔、打掃。|Maintain office cleanliness and perform housekeeping tasks.
  • 5. 辦公室其他事務。|Assist with general office duties.
  • 6. 上級長官臨時交辦事項之處理。|Handle ad hoc tasks assigned by senior officers.
  • 付款查詢系統

    Payment Inquiry System



    Student Accounts Registration



    Cashier Inquiry System



    Vendor Payment Details Form



    Payment Reconciliation System



    Non-member & Temporary Worker Data Management System
