※113年4月15日(一) 動醫中心北側區域地下水漏水查修停水通知※
刊登日期:2024 年 04 月 12 日停水通知
Water Outage Notice
Water Outage Notice
日期 DATE |
2024/04/15 |
時間 TIME |
上午8時00分至中午12時00分 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. |
地點 PLACE |
動物醫學研究中心、大動物試驗中心、農藝系工作室、作物實習館、室內游泳池、體育館及高爾夫練習場 Animal Experiment Center, Large Animal Testing Center, Workshop for Agronomy Department, Crop Science Laboratory, Indoor Swimming Pool, Gymnasium and Golf Driving Range. |
說明 Explanation |
屆時將影響地下水之供應,設有水塔或蓄水池之大樓可能較不受影響。如遇雨天或其他因素無法停水時,停水日期另行通知。造成本校教職員生不便之處,敬請見諒。 At that time, it will affect the supply of groundwater to various buildings on campus. Buildings with water towers or reservoirs may be less affected. In case water shutdown is not possible due to rainy weather or other factors, the water shutdown date will be notified separately. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to faculty, staff, and students. Thank you for your understanding. |
單位 Office |
總務處營繕組 Construction and Maintenance Division, Office of General Affairs |
連絡電話 Contact Us |
04-22840276-279 |
