※113年4月18日(四) 獸醫教學醫院區域地下水緊急停水通知※
刊登日期:2024 年 04 月 18 日緊急停水通知
Emergency Water Outage Notice
Emergency Water Outage Notice
日期 DATE |
2024/04/18 |
時間 TIME |
上午8時00分至下午6時00分 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. |
地點 PLACE |
動科系館、動物疾病診斷中心、獸醫館、獸醫教學醫院、動物檢疫舍及實驗動物舍。 Animal Science Building, Animal Disease Diagnostic Center, Veterinary Medicine Building, Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital, The Quaratine Station and Laboratory Barns. |
說明 Explanation |
因地下水管路補水異常,已緊急招商進行地下水管路查修施工,屆時將影響本校部分建物暫停地下水之供應,造成本校教職員生不便之處,敬請見諒。 Due to abnormal water leakage in the underground pipes, urgent contracting has been initiated to conduct inspections and repairs. This will temporarily disrupt the supply of underground water to some buildings on our campus. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. |
單位 Office |
總務處營繕組 Construction and Maintenance Division, Office of General Affairs |
連絡電話 Contact Us |
04-22840276-279 |
