※113年5月2日(四)至5月3日(五) 校本部緊急停水通知※
刊登日期:2024 年 05 月 02 日緊急停水通知
Emergency Water Outage Notice
Emergency Water Outage Notice
日期 DATE |
2024/05/02~2024/05/03 |
時間 TIME |
上午8時00分至下午18時00分 8:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m. |
地點 PLACE |
本校各大樓 All buildings on campus. |
說明 Explanation |
本校各大樓因外部自來水公司供水幹管破裂,目前已通知自來水公司緊急搶修中,施工期間,將停止全校各大樓之供水,造成全校教職員生不便之處,敬請見諒。 Due to a burst in the main water pipes supplied by the external water company, all campus buildings will experience water supply interruptions. Emergency repairs are underway, but water supply will be suspended during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. |
單位 Office |
總務處營繕組 Construction and Maintenance Division, Office of General Affairs |
連絡電話 Contact Us |
04-22840276-279 |
