- 113/1/11(四):應經一館前後方樹木修剪。
- 113/1/12(五):社館大樓後方停車場、圖書館周邊樹木修剪。
- 113/1/13(六):電機大樓、機械二館後方樹木修剪。
- 本次施工範圍:詳見附圖。
- 施工日期及時間:每日上午08:00至下午17:00止。
- 施工期間人車請勿靠近,以免發生危險。
- 施工道路與建物四周部分停車格管制,敬請留意,以免造成財損。
- 如遇豪大雨或颱風等天氣因素則順延,施工日期另行通知。
In order to remove overgrown and wilted branches, the tree pruning will be carried out from Thursday – Saturday, Jan 11-13, 2024.
For your safety, please pay attention to the following locations during pruning. Noise and dust are generated in the period. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your consideration.
Duration: From 8:00 to 17:00 on January 11(Thu.) to 13(Sat.), 2024
Task Location: