【重要訊息⚑】113-2加退選學分費繳費開始114年3月18日-截止日為114年4月8日 【Important Notice ⚑】113-2 Add/Drop Course Credit Fee Payment Begins Payment Period: March 18, 2025 – April 8, 2025
刊登日期:2025 年 03 月 14 日本校113學年度第二學期加退選學分費(含大學部延畢生、碩專班、產專班及進修部學分費、碩博班及學士班加選教育學分費等費用),於3月18日後開放列印繳費。
一、學雜費繳費單請自行至第e學雜費入口網 https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw/member/index.aspx
The credit fees for add/drop courses in the second semester of the 113th academic year (including fees for extended undergraduate students, master's professional programs, industry-specialized programs, continuing education programs, and additional education credits for master's, doctoral, and undergraduate students) will be available for printing starting March 18.
1. Payment Slip Access:
Please visit the eTuition & Miscellaneous Fees Portal at https://eschool.firstbank.com.tw/member/index.aspx and log in using your 10-digit student ID and verification code (last 6 digits of your National ID (Alien Resident) Card for the verification code ).
2. Payment Confirmation:
Please confirm the listed items and amounts before making your payment to avoid discrepancies that could result in unsuccessful account reconciliation.
3. Payment Methods:
Follow the instructions on the payment slip for available payment channels.
4. For students who have not yet paid their initial course selection fees for the 113-2 semester:
Please promptly make your payment at any First Bank branch or via ATM transfer.
※Printed payment slips will not be mailed. Please access them online.※