〖General Affairs Office Notice 交管〗1月18日校本部寒假各高壓設備年度保養通知
刊登日期:2025 年 01 月 17 日總務處通知
General Affairs Office Notice
General Affairs Office Notice
【通知事項 Notice】因1月18日適逢校本部寒假各高壓設備年度保養,當日校本部將全區域依序停電,大門口停車設備將暫時停機,待復電後將立即恢復啟用,造成不便敬請見諒。
Due to the annual maintenance of high-voltage equipment on the main campus during the winter break, there will be sequential power outages across the entire main campus on January 18. Parking equipment at the main entrance will temporarily cease operation and will resume immediately after power is restored. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.
General Affairs Office
General Affairs Office