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〖General Affairs Office Notice 交管〗105週年校慶活動與交通管制通知

刊登日期:2024 年 10 月 30 日
總務處  通 知
General Affairs Office Notice
【通知事項 Notice】
一、  校慶週校內各單位於10月28日(一)-11月3日(日)辦理各項活動,得憑邀請書函免收停車費。
During the school anniversary week, each department on campus will hold various activities from October 28 (Monday) to November 3 (Sunday), and parking fees will be waived with an invitation letter.
二、  本校於11月2日(六)至11月3日(日)舉辦各項校慶活動,大門口開放不收費。
The school will host various anniversary events from November 2 (Saturday), to November 3 (Sunday), with free admission at the main gate.
三、  11月1日(五)8:00-17:00,於行政大樓前廣場,進行校園健康路跑管制,前廣周邊請勿停放車輛及通行,並配合西側門管制措施。15:00-17:00進行健康路跑,請校園通行車輛禮讓參加路跑人群(路線如附圖一)。
On Friday, November 1, from 8:00 to 17:00, there will be a campus health run in the plaza in front of the Administration Building. Please do not park vehicles or pass through the area around the plaza and cooperate with the west gate control measures. From 15:00 to 17:00, vehicles on campus should yield to participants in the health run (route as shown in Appendix 1).
In case of a day off due to typhoon, please see the Sports Office website for updates in the Campus Games section.
四、  11月2日(六)管理學院前道路,舉行校友捐贈道路鋪設典禮(10:00-11:30)及圖書館舉行校慶慶祝大會(08:00-17:00),貴賓車輛請停至前廣場。(詳附圖二)
On November 2 (Saturday), there will be a road paving ceremony for alumni donations in front of the College of Management (10:00-11:30) and a celebration assembly at the library (8:00-17:00). VIP vehicles are requested to park in the front plaza (see Appendix 2 for details).
五、  11月2日(六)12:00起,因惠蓀堂辦理校慶音樂暨演唱會,惠蓀堂南側路邊停車位,中興東路最北端(農夫市集攤位位置)及第二停車場保留為貴賓停車位,車輛請改停至他處。(詳附圖三)
Starting at 12:00 on November 2 (Saturday), due to the anniversary music concert at Hui-Sun Hall, parking spaces on the south side of Hui-Sun Hall, at the northernmost end of Chung-Hsing East Road (near the Farmer’s Market booth area), and in the second parking lot will be reserved for VIPs. Other vehicles are requested to park elsewhere (see Appendix 3 for details).
六、  本校教職員工生車輛進出校園請配合管制措施,並注意人車安全。
All faculty, staff, and student vehicles entering and exiting the campus are asked to follow control measures and pay attention to pedestrian and vehicle safety.
General Affairs Office