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  • 《施工通知》摩斯漢堡與綜合大樓間電動車充電樁建置工程公告


刊登日期:2024 年 11 月 12 日

「電動車充電樁建置工程」訂於113年11月13日(三) 上午08時至下午17時止,於【摩斯漢堡與綜合大樓間】進行吊車施工事宜,屆時將有承攬廠商「源點科技股份有限公司」工程車進入校區進行作業敬請本校師生及來賓配合現場公告勿於施工區域周邊停車場及人行道停放機(踏)車,如需路經工地附近,亦請注意施工機具進出配合現場交通管制,施工期間因部分工項產生噪音,造成不便之處敬請包涵。(工程如提早完成,則提前解除管制)

The “Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Project” is scheduled for November 13, 2024 (Wednesday), from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will take place between the MOS Burger and the Integrated Teaching Building. During this time, a crane will be in operation, and the contractor, “EVOASIS INC.” will have construction vehicles entering the campus. Teachers, students, and guests are requested to follow on-site announcements and refrain from parking vehicles or motorcycles in the parking lot and pedestrian areas surrounding the construction zone. If passing near the site, please be mindful of construction equipment entering and exiting and cooperate with on-site traffic control. Some noise may be generated during certain construction tasks; we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. (If the project is completed ahead of schedule, the area will be reopened earlier.)