〖General Affairs Office Notice 交管〗12月21-22日(六日),校內假日活動及收費方式通知
刊登日期:2024 年 12 月 19 日總務處 通 知
General Affairs Office Notice
General Affairs Office Notice
Vehicles with permits are encouraged to exit through the west gate to avoid traffic congestion.
【日期】 【Date】 |
【通知內容與人數】 【Notice and Attendance】 |
12月21日(六) December 21st (Saturday) |
農夫市集,人數約350人。 Farmers' Market, attended by approximately 350 people. 社團法人中華民國阿彌陀佛關懷協會12:00至 19:00租用惠蓀堂辦理「2024行願非洲感恩之旅」,人數約3000人。 The " Amitofo Care Centre of the Republic of China" rented Hui-Sun Hall from 12:00 to 19:00 to host the event "2024 Pilgrimage to Africa Gratitude Journey" ,with approximately 3,000 people. 機械工程學系辦理六十週年系,人數約900人。 The Department of Mechanical Engineering will hold 60th Anniversary Celebration, with approximately 900 people. 語言中心辦理全民英檢,人數約900人。 NCHU Language Center will organize the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), with approximately 900 people. 12月21日假日大型活動採人工收費,駐警隊將視校園車流量情況,適時實施車輛總量管制(本校教職員工生有證車輛不受影響)。請本校教職員工出入校門注意人車安全。 On December 21st,large-scale activities on holidays are subject to manual charges. The campus police will implement vehicle volume control as needed (faculty, staff, and students with valid permits will not be affected). Please pay attention to pedestrian and vehicular safety when entering and exiting the campus gates. |
12月22日(日) December 22nd (Sunday) |
農夫市集,人數約350人。 Farmers' Market, attended by approximately 350 people. 校內無大型活動,大門口車輛入校採電子車牌辨識系統管制,並依112年5月10日第455次行政會議修正「國立中興大學校本部校本部校園汽機車收費要點」「現場臨停」決議辦理: there will be no large-scale activities on campus. The entrance gate will be controlled by an electronic license plate recognition system for vehicles entering the campus: 1.逾30分鐘未滿1小時,以1小時計。停車逾1小時以上者,每半小時20元,依此累計收費,當日收費上限250元。 For parking durations over 30 minutes, it will be counted as 1 hour. For parking durations exceeding 1 hour, a charge of NT$20 per half hour will apply, accumulating accordingly, with a maximum charge of NT$250 per day. 2.採車牌辨識入校,離校時請先至繳費機完成繳費後再離校。 Vehicles entering the campus will be identified by license plate recognition. When leaving the campus, please proceed to the payment machine to complete the payment before exiting. |
二、請本校教職員工出入校門注意人車安全。Faculty and staff entering and exiting the campus are reminded to pay attention to pedestrian and vehicular safety.
If any department within the university is organizing activities or meetings, please inform the campus security (tel: 22840286) in advance to coordinate measures to avoid affecting the right to enter the campus due to overall control measures.
General Affairs Office
General Affairs Office