自114年3月1日起,調高中華郵政薪資存款戶跨行提款及跨行轉帳免收手續費優惠次數。Increase in Fee-Free Transactions for Chunghwa Post Payroll Deposit Accounts Starting March 1, 2025.
刊登日期:2025 年 03 月 01 日中華郵政公司為提供薪資存款戶更優質服務,將自114年3月1日起,調高薪資存款戶(本薪類)跨行提款及跨行轉帳免收手續費優惠次數,跨行提款由每月10次調高至30次;跨行轉帳(不含使用全國性繳費稅交易)由每月10次調高至66次。
To enhance services for salary deposit account holders, Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. will increase the number of fee-free interbank withdrawals and transfers starting March 1, 2025:
➤Interbank withdrawals: Increased from 10 times to 30 times per month.
➤Interbank transfers (excluding nationwide tax/payment transactions): Increased from 10 times to 66 times per month.