【General Affairs Office Notice 通知】3月2日蛋白體中心前方將劃設停車標線,車輛請移置他處停放以免造成受損。
刊登日期:2024 年 03 月 01 日
General Affairs Office Notice
On March 2nd, from 7:00 in the morning to 17:00 in the afternoon, due to the upcoming re-marking of parking lines in front of the Proteomics Center, parking in this area will be temporarily suspended during the construction period. In case of rain on the day, the construction will be postponed.
Vehicles parked on-site are requested to be moved elsewhere before the start of the construction to avoid any damage to the vehicles.
General Affairs Office
總務處事務組駐警隊 通 知
3月2日 早上7:00~下午17:00,因蛋白體中心前方將辦理重新劃設停車標線工程,施工期間本區暫停開放停車,如當日遇雨將順延。
總務處事務組駐警隊 敬啟

On March 2nd, from 7:00 in the morning to 17:00 in the afternoon, due to the upcoming re-marking of parking lines in front of the Proteomics Center, parking in this area will be temporarily suspended during the construction period. In case of rain on the day, the construction will be postponed.
Vehicles parked on-site are requested to be moved elsewhere before the start of the construction to avoid any damage to the vehicles.
General Affairs Office
總務處事務組駐警隊 通 知
3月2日 早上7:00~下午17:00,因蛋白體中心前方將辦理重新劃設停車標線工程,施工期間本區暫停開放停車,如當日遇雨將順延。
總務處事務組駐警隊 敬啟