〖General Affairs Office Notice 交管〗114年3月15-16日(六日),校內假日活動及收費方式通知
刊登日期:2025 年 03 月 14 日總務處 通 知
General Affairs Office Notice
General Affairs Office Notice
Starting January 1, 2025, the License Plate Recognition System Will Be Fully ImplementedThe West Gate will be open for vehicle entry and exit.
During this week's large-scale campus events, faculty and staff are advised to avoid entering or exiting the campus during peak times (07:00-08:00 for entry and 20:30-21:30 for exit) to prevent traffic congestion and delays. Please also be mindful of pedestrian and vehicle safety.
In the event of vehicle access control, as the campus has fully implemented license plate recognition without issuing physical vehicle permits, faculty and staff members of our university are requested to proactively present their staff identification and vehicle information to gain access to the campus, exempt from the vehicle access control restrictions.
【日期】 【Date】 |
【通知內容與人數】 【Notice and Attendance】 |
3月15日(六) March 15th (Saturday) |
農夫市集,人數約350人。 Farmers' Market, with approximately 350 people. 國際扶輪社3461地區租用惠蓀堂辦理「地區年會」,活動時間07:30至21:00,人數約2000人。 The Rotary District 3461 has rented the Hui-Sun Hall to host the "District Annual Meeting." The event will take place from 07:30 to 21:00, with approximately 2,000 people. 國際事務處於行政大樓後方草皮辦理「凝望Gaze:興大國際星空電影節」,16:00至21:00,人數約600人。 The Office of International Affairs will host the "Gaze: NCHU International Starlight Film Festival" on the lawn behind the Administration Building. The event will run from 16:00 to 21:00, with approximately 600 people. 語言中心辦理全民英檢,人數約600人。 NCHU Language Center will administer the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), with approximately 600 people. |
3月16日(日) March 16th (Sunday) |
農夫市集,人數約350人。 Farmers' Market, with approximately 350 people. 語言中心辦理全民英檢,人數約600人。 NCHU Language Center will administer the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), with approximately 600 people. |
二、校內各單位如有辦理活動或會議,請務必事先通知本校駐警隊(電話:22840286)協調因應辦法。If any department within the university is organizing an event or meeting, please be sure to notify the campus police (tel:22840286) in advance for coordination and arrangements.
General Affairs Office
General Affairs Office