〖General Affairs Office Notice 交管〗6月1-2日(六日),校內假日活動及收費方式通知
刊登日期:2024 年 05 月 31 日總務處 通 知
General Affairs Office Notice
General Affairs Office Notice
Activity Attendance and Notification
【日期】 【Date】 |
【通知內容與人數】 【Notice and Attendance】 |
6月1日(六) June 1st (Saturday) |
6月1日(六)今日舉行畢業典禮,大門開放不收費。另配合典禮需求,大學北路(惠蓀堂南側停車位)及電機大樓與化材館中間第二停車場車位,自5月31日晚間6時以後請勿停車,至畢業典禮結束(詳附圖)。 On Saturday, June 1st, the graduation ceremony will be held today. The main entrance will be open and admission is free. Additionally, to accommodate the ceremony, please do not park in the spaces on University North Road (south side of Hui-Sun Hall parking spaces) and the second parking lot between the Electrical Engineering Building and the Chemistry and Materials Science Building from 6 PM on May 31st until the end of the graduation ceremony (see attached map for details). 農夫市集,人數約350人。 Farmer's Market, approximately 350 people. 6月1日(六)外文系辦理全民英檢,人數約1500人。 On Saturday, June 1st, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures conduct the General English Proficiency Test with approximately 1,500 people. |
6月2日(日) June 2nd (Sunday) |
農夫市集,人數約350人。 Farmer's Market, approximately 350 people. 6月2日(日)空中大學辦理第四次面授,人數約800人。 National Open University Forth In-person Session, approximately 800 people. 6月2日(日)台中市獸醫師公會,人數約300人。 On Sunday, June 2nd, the Taichung City Veterinarians Association will have an event with approximately 300 people. |
On June 2nd,large-scale activities on holidays are subject to manual charges. The campus police will implement vehicle volume control as needed (faculty, staff, and students with valid permits will not be affected). Please pay attention to pedestrian and vehicular safety when entering and exiting the campus gates.
If any units within the school organize activities or meetings, please notify the Campus Security Office (tel: 22840286) in advance to coordinate response measures, avoiding any impact on the right to enter the campus due to volume control.
General Affairs Office
General Affairs Office